The Hidden Disadvantages of Boarding School: What Parents Need to Know Before Sending their Kids Away

The Hidden Disadvantages of Boarding School: What Parents Need to Know Before Sending their Kids Away
Sending your children away to boarding school can be a daunting prospect for many parents. And it’s understandable why; boarding school is a significant upheaval for both the children and their families. It’s a huge decision that needs to be carefully weighed up, with all the facts and figures involved.
But what many parents don’t know is that there are hidden disadvantages to sending your children away to boarding school. These disadvantages can be difficult to spot, as they don’t always appear on the surface. To help parents make an informed decision, we’ve put together this list of potential pitfalls of boarding school that they should be aware of.
1. The Cost of Boarding School
The cost of attending a boarding school can be significant. Depending on the school and its location, fees can range from the thousands to the tens of thousands of dollars per year. This is a huge expense for many families and can put a significant financial burden on them.
In addition to the tuition fees, there are also other costs associated with boarding school such as travel costs, clothes, books, and other necessities. This can add up to an even larger financial burden.
2. Loss of Parental Control
When you send your children to boarding school, you are essentially relinquishing control over them. You are no longer around to keep an eye on them and ensure that they are doing the right thing. This can be a difficult thing to accept for many parents, who may feel that their authority has been taken away from them.
In addition, it can also be difficult for children to adjust to the lack of parental control. They may not be used to making decisions for themselves and may struggle to cope with the newfound freedom.
3. Separation Anxiety
The separation from parents and family can be hard for both the children and their parents. For the children, it can be difficult to be away from their family for long periods of time and this can lead to feelings of loneliness and homesickness.
For the parents, it can be difficult to let go of their children and watch them go off into the world without them. This can lead to feelings of guilt and worry, especially if they haven’t seen their children in a while.
4. Difficulty Adjusting to a New Environment
Boarding school can often be a completely new environment for children. They may be used to their home school and the familiar surroundings of their family home, but suddenly they are thrust into a completely new environment.
This can be difficult to adjust to and can leave many children feeling overwhelmed and out of place. It can take some time for them to adjust to the new environment and to form new friendships and relationships.
5. Lack of Privacy
Living in a boarding school means that children are often surrounded by their peers. This can be a great thing as it encourages socialising and making friends, but it can also be a disadvantage.
The lack of privacy can be a problem for some children, who may feel that they are constantly being watched and judged by their peers. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and unease, which can be difficult to adjust to.
6. Pressure to Succeed
The pressure to succeed academically and socially can be overwhelming for some children. Boarding school can be a very competitive environment, with students competing for the best grades and the most popular social circles.
This can put a lot of pressure on children, who may feel that they have to constantly prove themselves in order to fit in. This can be a difficult thing to adjust to, and can lead to feelings of stress and anxiety.
7. Lack of Support
Boarding school can be an isolating experience for some children. It can be difficult for them to find support and guidance when they are away from their family and friends.
This can be a challenge for some children, who may not be used to having to fend for themselves. It can also be difficult for parents, who may feel that their children are not getting the support and guidance they need.
Boarding school can be a great experience for many children, but it also has its drawbacks. Parents should be aware of the hidden disadvantages of boarding school before making the decision to send their children away. It’s important to weigh up all the pros and cons and ensure that you are making an informed decision.
For more information on the potential pitfalls of boarding school, check out Prepper Stories. They have a wealth of information and resources to help parents make the right decision for their children.